The question of whether your pet needs warm clothing may seem absurd to many pet owners. But a little analysis on this may throw light onto the fact that pets do need clothing in certain circumstances.

Many pet owners will agree that they have seen their pets shiver in extreme cold conditions. In such situations, a coat or a jacket may prove to be a boon for your furry pet.

There are also many pets will less fur on their body that may need a dog sweater or coat to keep themselves warm during cold weather.

In case your pet pooch is suffering from illness or fever, it is better to make it wear warm clothing along with a blanket to keep it warm and cozy.
Your larger dog with lots of hair may not be in need of clothing but an ageing dog would love a wear a sweater as it may feel cold due to a weak immune system.
Smaller dogs with light bodies or dogs with short hair also benefit from wearing a woolen sweater when going outside with the owner or to potty or if just tied in the backyard.

Whatever may be the need to buy warm clothing for a pet, once the decision is taken, a pet owner can select from wool or cotton or acrylic. Wool acts as a good insulating material and provides good warmth to your pet. But some pets may hate it as it tends to be itchy. In such cases it is suggested to for a combination of cotton and wool which can wash.

Try to buy warm clothes which fit snug on your pet.This reduces the chances of it getting pulled off when your pet is in a playful mood. Never forget to take the chest, neck and waist measurement of your dog before buying clothes for your dog.

Dog clothes are one of the essential accessories of a dog and its importance should never be overlooked especially in extreme weather conditions. Some dog lovers out of their own free will like to indulge their pets with fancy clothing which makes others believe that it is a luxury and not a necessity. So you alone as a pet owner can decide whether clothing for your pet is a necessity or a luxury depending on the need for clothing for your precious furry pet.

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